Be careful with securityadmin

Over the last week, I’ve seen two discussions where the securityadmin server role was suggested.

The scenario is typically that we don’t want to make this person a sysadmin, but we want this to manage logins and stuff like that.

The problem, however is that as securityadmin you can create a login and then grant CONTROL SERVER permissions to that login. And having CONTROL SERVER is pretty close to being sysadmin.

First the senior DBA does below:

--The senior DBA, sysadmin, does this
CREATE LOGIN theSecAdmin WITH PASSWORD = 'thePassword'

ALTER SERVER ROLE securityadmin ADD MEMBER theSecAdmin

Then theSecAdmin does:

CREATE LOGIN theSecAdmin2 WITH PASSWORD = 'thePassword'


Now theSecAdmin2 can do pretty much anything in the SQL Server, including use all database and whatnot.

There *are* some important differences between being a sysadmin and having CONTROL SERVER, but I’ll save that for another day.

Who owns your jobs?

Yep, another Agent blog. The topic of job owner has been discussed here before, but this is a specific situation, which potentially is a ticking bomb. First a quick recap of how agent does things:

When a job is owned by somebody who is sysadmin, then no impersonation is performed.

  • T-SQL jobsteps will be executed as Agent’s own Windows authenticated login.
  • Other jobsteps (which operates as the OS level) is done in Agent’s service account’s context.

Above is, assuming you didn’t ask for impersonation for the jobstep (Run As).

Last week, at a SQL Server admin class, Andreas Jarbéus from Swedish Match asked about job owned by Windows account and what happens when that person leaves the company. I was about to say “no problem, if the job owner is sysadmin”, but I felt there was a bit more to it. The scenario is:

  • The job owner is member of a Windows/AD group. Say you have a “SQL Server DBA” group in your AD.
  • This group is added as a login to your SQL Servers. The persons in that group do not have individual logins in SQL Server – only through this group.
  • This group is sysadmin. (I’m not saying that having jobs in general owned by sysadmins is a best practice. You can for instance have vendors installing some software and you don’t want to make them sysadmin. In such a case, clearly we don’t want the job to keep running if that person would disappear. So, I’m targeting jobs owned by sysadmin here, and I would bet you have bunch of those.)
  • Somebody in this group creates an Agent job.
  • The person in the group leaves the company and is removed from this Windows/AD group.

Above is a pretty common scenario. The thing now is that the job no longer works. And here’s the reason:

If the owner was somebody in Windows/AD who’s SID exists in SQL Server (the individual was added as a login to SQL Server), then the job will still work. This also applies for SQL Logins which might be disabled (like “sa” for instance). The reason for this is that the SID for the job owner exists in sys.server_principals and SQL Server will know that this SID is sysadmin. Since Agent won’t do impersonation for sysadmins, there’s no need to “go out to Windows” and see if this SID exists in Windows/AD. Remove the login, and the job will stop working, though – but you have at least don’t something explicitly inside your SQL Server to cause this (removed the login).

But when the owner’s SID don’t exist in sysadmin we have a problem. The problem is that the recorded owner of the job is the SID for the Windows user, even though that SID doesn’t exist in sys.server_principals. As long as this still exists in Windows/AD, the job will work just fine. Agent will run this job owned by ?, ask Windows who this SID is and see that this SID is a member of a group which exists as a login in SQL Server and that is sysadmin. Now, imagine what happen if the SID doesn’t exist in Windows anymore. The job is owned by ?, and that is all that SQL Server knows. The SID no longer exist in Windows/AD so you there’s nobody to tell SQL Server “Yeah, this used to be a sysadmin in SQL Server – through a group membership in Windows/AD”.

Even worse, the job seems to keep working until you re-start the SQL Server service, some caching going on. Makes it even more difficult to determine why the job suddenly stops working: “We deleted this Windows account 4.5 months ago.” This is easy to repro, and you don’t even need a domain (local Windows accounts and groups work just fine):

  • Create a Windows group for this.
  • Create a Windows account for this.
  • Add the Windows account to above group.
  • Add above group as a login to SQL Server.
  • Make this group sysadmin.
  • Create a job, with two jobsteps:
  • T-SQL which executes: PRINT ORIGINAL_LOGIN() + ‘ | ‘ + SUSER_SNAME() + ‘ | ‘ + USER_NAME()
  • CmdExec which executes: WHOAMI.EXE
  • (Above isn’t really necessary, but useful for testing other impersonation aspects of Agent)
  • Specify the Windows account as owner of the job.
  • Run the job, make sure it works fine.
  • Remove the Windows account from the Windows group.
  • Run the job and see it fails.

I’m sure this has been blogged before, but I was a bit surprised by it. I have now added a check for this in my “Check best practices” stored procedure I run every day… On the flip side, this doesn’t seem to happen for multi-server (MSX) jobs, the ownership seems to have special handling for these – you will see if you check the owner_sid in sysjobs.

Using sa as owner for jobs and databases

This blog is not about avoiding logging in using the sa login. Hopefully we all know about this, and work towards avoidning this practice.

Instead I want to talk about using sa, but not to login (authenticate), but as owner for jobs and databases. I want keep these thing de-individualized – so we avoid things like person A leaving the company and we don’t dare to remove that login/Windows account. We can of course create some SQL login or Windows login especially for this purpose and use that. But sa is already there. Another advantage is that sa always has the same sid number (makes moving databases across instances a bit easier).

The way Agent work is that if the owner is member of sysadmin server role, then it won’t attempt any imersonation for the job steps. I.e., Agent won’t use SETUSER (2000 and earlier) or EXECUTE AS USER = (2005 or later). This means that Agent will never actually authenticate using sa (Agent will always authenticate using a Windoes authentication – and then verify that it is sysadmin). I.e., we can change password for sa, disable sa, or even run in Windows Only mode.

And, just to be obvious: If the job should be owned by some individual, in order for operating in a proper security context, then we should use that individual as owner and not sa!

How do you handle job and database ownership? Do you have situations where the owner does matter, details?

SQL Server Agent jobs and user contexts

In what user context does a job run? I recently found myself in a forum discussion and gave my stock reply, later realizing that I haven’t actually tested this for a long time (I used to demo this in class during 6.5 courses – when we actually had time for slight diversions). Lets start with my assumptions:

  1. Job owned by sysadmin, TSQL jobsteps:
    Agent log in to SQL Server using its own credential (windows authentication from service account) and execute the TSQL commands – no impersonation performed.
  2. Job owned by sysadmin, other jobsteps:
    Agent starts a process using its service account – no impersonation performed.
  3. Job owned by non-sysadmin, TSQL jobstep:
    Agent log in to SQL Server using its own credential (windows authentication from service account), then uses EXECUTE AS LOGIN = ‘<job_owner_login>’ to “impersonate” the login who owns the job. I.e., the TSQL commands will be executed in the security context of the job owner’s login.
  4. Job owned by non-sysadmin, other jobsteps:
    Agent starts a process using the service account as specified by the Agent proxy selected for this jobstep. (See Books Online “sp_add_proxy” and “CREATE CREDENTIAL” and this for more information about Agent Proxies and credentials in SQL Server.)

So, how to prove above? Lets use a combination of jobstep output file and a Profiler trace. The ouput files will be used to catch the login/user names, and the Profiler trace to verify what TSQL commands will be submitted by Agent (for TSQL jobstep). For the TSQL jobsteps, we execute:

,CAST(SUSER_SNAME() AS VARCHAR(20)) AS Effective_login

And to test the other jobsteps, where we will be using a CmdExec jobstep as example (we are interested in what Windows account the process will be started as), and use whoami.exe which returns the windows user name. Each jobstep is configured to output the result to a file.

  • I change my real machine name to “Machine” in this text.
  • I’m not in a domain.
  • I’m logged in interactively (to Windows) as Windows account “Tibor”.
  • I’m logged in to SQL Server using Windows authentication.
  • I’m sysadmin.
  • My service account for both Agent and SQL Server services is “SQLService”.

Here’s the result from having the job owned by me (being sysadmin):

Original_login       Effective_login       Db_user
——————– ——————– ——————–
MACHINE\SqlService   MACHINE\SqlService   dbo


As you see, no attempted impersonation performed. Steps 1 – 2 in above list confirmed.

We now going to test this for somebody who isn’t sysadmin:

  • Create SQL Server login named “Kalle”
  • Create user in msdb for above
  • Assign Kalle permission to create jobs (SQLAgentUser role in msdb)
  • Create account “MySqlProxy” in Windows.
  • Creade credential “c_MySqlProxy” in SQL Server for above.
  • Create proxy “p_MySqlProxy” for above, and allow login “Kalle” to use this for CmdExec jobsteps.

Now we modify the job and set the owner to Kalle, and also specify for the CmdExec jobstep to use the proxy p_MySqlProxy. Also, since non-sysadmins can’t use output files (I didn’t know that), we instead configure each step’s output to go to table. Execute job. No, finally we can check each job step output for result:

Original_login       Effective_login       Db_user
——————– ——————– ——————–
MACHINE\SqlService   Kalle                guest


The first section above confirms that Agent uses it’s own login, but then changes login context to Kalle (verified by Profiler trace capturing the “EXECUTE AS LOGIN = N’Kalle’ WITH NO REVERT” command). The job step was configured to run in the master database; since I didn’t add Kalle as a user to master, you see the user name guest.

The second section verifies that The CmdExec step started a process using the mysqlproxy windows account, and specified using our SQL Server Agent Proxy and SQL Server credential object.

(I will not reply to support questions here. For support, I recommend you visit a forum, for instance this. Other discussions, comments and corrections are of course very welcome!)

Finally, I scripted out the job (as owned by me – being sysadmin), if you want to re-create it and play with it. Use at own risk, do apropriate modifications etc.

USE [msdb]

/****** Object:  Job [CredTest]    Script Date: 09/19/2009 12:12:47 ******/
SELECT @ReturnCode 0
/****** Object:  JobCategory [[Uncategorized (Local)]]]    Script Date: 09/19/2009 12:12:47 ******/
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.syscategories WHERE name=N'[Uncategorized (Local)]’ AND category_class=1)
EXEC @ReturnCode msdb.dbo.sp_add_category @class=N’JOB’@type=N’LOCAL’@name=N'[Uncategorized (Local)]’
IF (@@ERROR <> OR @ReturnCode <> 0GOTO QuitWithRollback


EXEC @ReturnCode =  msdb.dbo.sp_add_job @job_name=N’CredTest’,
@description=N’No description available.’,
@category_name=N'[Uncategorized (Local)]’,
@owner_login_name=N’MACHINE\Tibor’@job_id @jobId OUTPUT
IF (@@ERROR <> OR @ReturnCode <> 0GOTO QuitWithRollback
/****** Object:  Step [A_TSQL]    Script Date: 09/19/2009 12:12:48 ******/
EXEC @ReturnCode msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_id=@jobId@step_name=N’A_TSQL’,
,CAST(SUSER_SNAME() AS VARCHAR(20)) AS Effective_user
IF (@@ERROR <> OR @ReturnCode <> 0GOTO QuitWithRollback
/****** Object:  Step [B_OS]    Script Date: 09/19/2009 12:12:48 ******/
EXEC @ReturnCode msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_id=@jobId@step_name=N’B_OS’,
IF (@@ERROR <> OR @ReturnCode <> 0GOTO QuitWithRollback
EXEC @ReturnCode msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id @jobId@start_step_id 1
IF (@@ERROR <> OR @ReturnCode <> 0GOTO QuitWithRollback
EXEC @ReturnCode msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_id @jobId@server_name N'(local)’
IF (@@ERROR <> OR @ReturnCode <> 0GOTO QuitWithRollback
GOTO EndSave


Xp_cmdshell and permissions

This blog post was inspired from a newsgroup discussion. The question basically is:
What do you need to do in order to use xp_cmdshell?

Note that there are obvious security implications of doing this. (I’m not recommending usage of xp_cmdshell in general, this is a technical blog post!) We first need to think about what happens here, from an architectural level:

Somebody who has logged in to SQL Server executes xp_cmdshell. For this, SQL Server need to spawn a process in Windows. A process in Windows need to execute in a Windows user account.

So, what Windows account is used? If the SQL Server login who is executing xp_cmdshell is sysadmin, then SQL Server will use the service account (it will not “pretend to be somebody else”). But if the login isn’t sysadmin, then we need to configure what Windows account to be used (using sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account). Note that this configuration is the same for all non-sysadmins!

But there’s a little bit more to it. Below is an outline of what need to be done. Step 2 and 3 are only needed if the one who is to execute xp_cmdshell isn’t sysadmin. Note that the steps don’t have to be performed in the order listed below.

  1. We need to allow usage of xp_cmdshell in general (on 2005). Use “Surface Area Configuration” or sp_configure for this.
  2. We need to have a user in the master database which has execute permission on xp_cmdshell. If you are uncertain about the difference between logins and users, you should read up about it in BOL.
  3. We need to say what Windows account should be used when a non-sysadmin user is executing xp_cmdshell.

So, here’s the TSQL script that does all above:

–1, allow xp_cmdshell
EXEC sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell’, 1


–2, grant permission to xp_cmdshell
USE master

–Note, we are in the master database!!!

–Run as login x
EXECUTE AS login = ‘JohnDoe’
–Below fails, no execute permission on xp_cmdshell
EXEC xp_cmdshell ‘DIR C:\*.*’

–Note, we are in the master database!!!
GRANT EXECUTE ON xp_cmdshell TO JohnDoe

–Try again
EXECUTE AS login = ‘JohnDoe’
–Execution of xp_cmdshell is allowed.
–But I haven’t configured the proxy account…
EXEC xp_cmdshell ‘DIR C:\*.*’


–3, specify the proxy account for non-syadmins
–Replace obvious parts!
EXEC sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account ‘Domain\WinAccount’,’pwd’
EXECUTE AS login = ‘JohnDoe’
–Execution of xp_cmdshell is allowed.
–And executes successfully!!!
EXEC xp_cmdshell ‘DIR C:\*.*’


EXEC sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account null

EXEC sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell’, 0